Accreditation and Other National Bodies in South Korea
Accreditation ensures a basic level of quality and standard in education you obtain from an institution. The accrediting organizations review the institutions to ensure quality and improvement efforts. Because of the accreditation process, you can trust that education you paying for, is worthwhile. Before taking admission, make sure to check the accreditation status of the institution and its programs.
The accrediting authority in South Korea-
Korean Council for University Education- KUCE
The KUCE is responsible for University Accreditation, University admissions, for policies and programmes to provide financial assistance to Universities and Colleges in South Korea, for conducting assessments, for the development of University curriculum and instructing techniques and methods, for recommendation to the government on the affairs related to higher education, and for execution of the projects authorized by the government. The KUCE is the representative association of 4-year Universities in the Republic of Korea.
Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education-Republic of Korea formulates policies and strategies related to higher education, supervise and administer academic affairs of higher education institutions-both public as well as private, and encourages research.
Korean Federation of Teachers Association-KFTA
The KFTS focuses on establishing the autonomy in education and improving the teacher’s professional status, encouraging the public welfare particularly the educational environment for all young and scholarly people, equality of educational opportunity, and actively participating in the decision-making process.